22 Mar 2010

We're in the Standard! (19/3/10)

Just in case you haven't seen it already we've got an article dedicated to ourselves in last week's paper. It's a great piece all about who we are, where we came from and where we're going next in the run up to our big gig on the 3rd. Unfortunately there is a tad of over exaggeration in the article: while we may get to play in a small-town festival in Italy which Paolo Nutini may or may not play at in September we ARE IN NO WAY playing ALONGSIDE the man himself. PLEASE DON'T SUE US! ;)

1 comment:

  1. type this up/scan it in ): I want to read it plz

    (LOL, the captcha that came up when I went to submit was "WONAN". Thought it was amusingly suitable)
